CASE STUDY: JOURNALISM PROJECT – Young people’s stories about the Brixton Design Trail are published in the Brixton Bugle

This project was a partnership with the Brixton Bugle and the Design Trail, and supported by the Brixton Pound Community Fund, to create engage people in the creative events taking place in Brixton during September.


The Pressgang Team interviewed creatives and told their stories through words, pictures and video. The results were published as a full page spread in the Brixton Bugle.

“The press gang project was a great concept. It meant the Brixton Bugle and the Brixton Design Trail could engage with eleven work experience students over a longer period than either could have done on their own. I certainty would have been daunted at the idea of taking on such large numbers of students at once. But it worked!”

– Linda Quinn, Editor, Brixton Bugle.


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