CASE STUDY: YOUTH ENGAGEMENT PROJECT – Local Youth Influence the Future of Brockwell Hall

During October half-term We Rise worked with five budding young film-makers to help Lambeth Council understand what young people want from the planned redevelopment of Brockwell Hall.

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Lambeth wanted a number of activities and collaborations to engage the community and represent the voice of young people for the proposals being submitted to the Lottery Heritage Fund for investment in the Brockwell Hall Restoration Project – which will restore this Grade II listed manor house and stables at the centre of Brockwell Park to create a new cafe, event space and community facilities.

We were excited to work in our local park and managed to pull this project together very quickly. We were grateful that our fantastic team of film-makers signed up at short notice. They worked really hard: planning the film, creating an edit script, filming interviews and shooting some great “B-roll” footage of young people using the park. We saw some really impressive team work and they achieved all this while also following strict Covid-19 procedures.

Our Client Hanna was delighted with the results.

“The documentary film you made is fantastic. You were all very professional. I am very impressed with you and the end product. I hope we’ll work together on similar projects in the future and make young people’s voice heard more and more”.

Hanna, Project Manager, Lambeth Council
Local Youth Influence the Future of Brockwell Hall

Yassir and Finlay reviewing footage inside the We Rise/Clapham Film Project Edit Box at 3Space

It was great to see our young film-makers embrace the opportunity to influence their community. They spoke to a wide range of young people – those who use the park and those who don’t – and represented their views brilliantly through the film they made.

With fantastic coaching from our resident film maker Ray McFarlance, the team gained valuable skills and experience.

  • “I gained a better understanding of filmmaking and teamwork. It was a very helpful and enriching experience” Emilia Cermisoni
  • “I learnt how to cope with pressure in a working environment and that confidence is key” Christian Mireku
  • “It was an amazing opportunity, a great experience” Yasir Guerziz

We Rise got the opportunity to collaborate with some great local organisations – St Matthews Football Club, Brixton BMX Club, Kids Kreate and High Trees Community Development Trust.

A huge thank you to all of you.

At We Rise we are are passionate about enabling voices of young people to be heard.

It was fantastic to be able to give young people the opportunity to influence plans for local development and investment and we’d love to do more projects like this. We are delighted that that Lambeth have said if the Lottery Bid is successful they want young people to work alongside the professionals on the next stages of developing the Hall.

If you are involved in a project which would benefit from hearing the voices of young people please get in touch. Or if you know someone who might be interested, please share using the social buttons below.

We’d love to help!

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